Buying gifts for loved ones who are numismatists can be tricky, whether shopping during the holidays or for birthdays and anniversaries. But regardless of how well you know what your favorite coin collector loves to collect or needs for his or her collection, there is a plethora of no-fail numismatic gifts perfect for anyone who enjoys the hobby.
Here’s a rundown on five of the best gifts to buy coin collectors:
- 2x2s & Coin Flips — No matter what coins one collects, all coin collectors need products for protecting and storing coins. 2x2s come in a variety of sizes suitable for holding everything from dimes and small cents to silver dollars and world crowns. Meanwhile, inert coin flips can help keep coins safe and are versatile for holding virtually all coins.
- Coin Loupe — A nice coin loupe with 5X to 10X magnification power helps every coin collector see the most important details on his or her coins. The best coin loupes have durable metal cases and high-quality hardware, with some of the newer models offering ergonomic-friendly design.
- Coin Books — Standard references are always appreciated, especially those that are updated each year with bunches of new information. Can’t figure out what book to get? You can’t go wrong with a standard volume such as A Guide Book of United States Coins, a comprehensive tome filled with prices, grading guidelines, and more issued since 1947 and widely known as “The Red Book.”
- Gift Card For Coins — Not sure what to buy? Gift cards never fail. Some coin dealers offer gift certificates and/or gift cards in various amounts. However, if the coin dealer whom your beloved numismatist patronizes doesn’t offer them — or you aren’t sure what coin dealer your favorite collector frequents — consider buying a regular prepaid debit card with an accompanying message that the money be used to buy any coins or coin supplies needed!
- A Subscription To COINage — With a gift subscription to COINage, your favorite numismatist will have access to the latest articles, news stories, and coin prices supplied by a team of award-winning numismatic editors, experts, and scholars. Here’s more info about how you can give the gift of COINage magazine.