August Convention Remains on the Schedule
While the country begins to reopen for business and stay-at-home restrictions are lifted, the American Numismatic Association (ANA) continues to plan for the World’s Fair of Money. The premier convention features all things related to coin collecting. This year, the ANA is returning to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, August 4-8.
Amid the pandemic, the ANA has been communicating with the convention committee of the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. The situation is fluid and the status of the show depends on COVID-19 restrictions set up by the State of Pennsylvania. At present, the City of Pittsburgh is following the guidance of Governor Tom Wolf, and final decisions have not yet been made regarding summer convention center activities.
“This show will not look like a typical World’s Fair of Money,” said ANA Executive Director Kim Kiick. “We’re working closely with the convention center on modifying meeting rooms to adhere to social distancing protocols and local regulations for lectures, meetings and receptions.”
Some of the changes to the convention could include a more spread out bourse floor to accommodate appropriate distancing between tables, moving presentations to a virtual format and providing supplies such as hand sanitizer, masks and digital thermometers to take the temperatures of attendees.
Given the current state of affairs and a lack of clear guidance from the State of Pennsylvania and the David L. Lawrence Convention Center, the ANA is unable to provide more information at this time. The association continues to closely monitor COVID-19 developments, both locally and nationally, and will keep the public informed with any updates.
“As each day passes, the country continues to adjust and adapt better to the virus,” said ANA President Steve Ellsworth. “Restrictions continue to be eased and each day the status of the show improves. Many dealers, exhibitors and members are still registering to attend the show – we continue to get requests for dealer space from new dealers – and our first priority in planning for this event is the health and safety of our members.”
If the ANA is unable to move forward with the World’s Fair of Money, all payments by exhibitors, dealers and members to the ANA will be fully refunded or given credit towards the 2021 World’s Fair of Money.
Questions, concerns or feedback about the upcoming convention can be sent to convention@money.org.
The American Numismatic Association is a congressionally chartered, nonprofit educational organization dedicated to encouraging the study and collection of coins and related items. The ANA helps its 28,000 members and the public discover and explore the world of money through its vast array of educational and outreach programs as well as its museum, library, publications and conventions. For more information, call 719-632-2646 or visit money.org.
*Find out more about what the numismatic industry is doing to adapt to new safety protocols and social distancing — and how this may permanently reimagine the future of our hobby — in the upcoming August-September issue of COINage magazine!