Victims and Investigators Need to Be Persistent
There are important actions to take if you are the victim of or are an investigator looking into crimes involving gold or rare coins,...
My Two Cents’ Worth: A Golden Year
Where were you when COINage first came out?
Unless you’re now 50 or older, it’s likely that you weren’t even born yet— for this magazine hit the...
January’s Coinage Kids
Find and identify the words about the Winter Olympics in the grid. Then mail your completed quiz to January Quiz, COINage magazine, P.O. Box...
December’s Coinage Kids: Double Puzzle
Each of the clue words was taken directly from this month’s COINage. Unscramble each of the clue words, then place the letters in the...
My Two Cents’ Worth: A Tribute to a Treasured Curator
Recently, the curatorial staff of the Numismatic Collection came up with the idea of freshening it, and strengthening weaker areas, by launching a new...
My Two Cents’ Worth: Heads You Lose, Tails You Lose
Two heads are better than one, so they say—but two heads plus two tails might turn out to be a case of subtraction by addition.
Coinage Kids:
The bald eagle first appeared as an American symbol on the Massachusetts copper cents and half cents coined in 1787 and 1788. Since then,...
My Two Cents’ Worth: Deep in the Heart of Taxes
"The only things certain in life are death and taxes.”
Benjamin Franklin is credited with penning that oft-quoted rueful lament.
Read the rest of Senior Editor...
Is this a real coin?
We received this query from a reader in North Dakota. Please drop us a line if you're able to help him out.
Dear Managing Editor:
My Two Cents’ Worth: Is Special JFK Coinage in Store?
Early this year, I suggested in this column that a one-time commemorative coin--perhaps a silver dollar--be issued to mark the 5oth anniversary of President...
Opportunity Knocks
by Amy Drew Thompson
In March, the Girl Scouts of the USA Centennial Silver Dollar became the first-ever commemorative to acknowledge a girls’ organization. Will...
My Two Cents’ Worth: Throwing Collectors a Curve Ball
Next year is the 75th anniversary of Cooperstown’s pride and joy—an occasion at least as important as the 100th anniversary of the Lions Clubs...
Coin Show Announced
The Rochester (NY) Numismatic Association's 41st Annual Coin Show is scheduled to be held November 2 and 3, 2013. Show hours are Saturday 10...
My Two Cents’ Worth: 75 and Counting
On the highway of life, major road markers tend to appear at 25-year intervals. That’s why so much emphasis is placed on silver and gold...
My Two Cents’ Worth: The $10-Million Coin
Life imitated art in the coin market recently when a 1794 silver dollar—possibly the first silver dollar ever struck by the U.S. Mint—changed hands...
Next-Gen Numismatics
by Amy Drew Thompson
Is there a shortage of torch-bearers to carry this hobby into the future? Opinions differ, but most agree that with encouragement,...