Answers to June Quiz

The following are the answers to June's COINage Kids Quiz on bourse etiquette. True or False: 1. It is OK to handle raw coins like they’re ordinary pocket change. False 2. Make sure other customers can also...

Answers to May Quiz

Following are the answers to May's Coinage Kids Quiz, "Mom's the Word." 1. For how many years did Queen Victoria reign? 63 (63 years, 7 months) 2. How many children did Maria Theresa have? 16 3. When was the...

New Facebook Poll

COINage has received several recent press releases regarding the national parks quarters, the America the Beautiful Quarters® Program, as it's officially called. The fact that we've seen so many quarter-related headlines begged the question in-house:...

Feeding the Coin-Collecting Beast

Why don’t more kids collect coins? I’m asked that question at least twice a day. And at least twice a day, I’m able to give a different reason.  Video games. Expense. Aesthetics. Availability.  I can even break...

My Two Cents’ Worth: A Clash of Symbols

A CLASH OF SYMBOLS by Ed Reiter Symbolism. To critics of the U.S. Mint’s uninspired coin designs, it’s an element sorely missing from the nation’s new coinage in recent years. Members of both the federal Commission of Fine...

What’s It Worth?

COINage has received several letters lately regarding coin values. How is value determined? Who determines it? Inquiring readers want to know. So I did a little bit of research and found an article that directly...

New Times, New Money

The magazine is called COINage, which seems to say that we don't follow currency at all. We do. But somehow, the Dollar ReDe$ign Project, an unofficial privately-sponsored contest inviting artists to contribute their ideas for...

My Two Cents’ Worth: The Weight-ing Game

THE WEIGHT-ING GAME by Ed Reiter It’s official: The Realm of Coins has a new heavyweight champion—with a seven-figure price tag to back its claim to the title. A 2007 Canadian Maple Leaf containing 220.5 pounds of...

WORLD COINS: The Crested Ibis Flies Again

The fifth coin in Japan’s Prefecture Series features the Japanese crested ibis flying over Sado Island in the Prefecture of Niigata. The revered bird was hunted nearly to extinction, and a polluted post-World War...

My 2 Cents: The Missing “Lincs”

Where have all the flowers gone? Better yet, where have all the 2009 Lincoln cents gone? Halfway through the year, the U.S. Mint had produced nearly 1.375 billion of the special cents marking the 200th...