The United States Mint is set to launch the America the Beautiful quarter honoring Block Island National Wildlife Refuge, located in Rhode Island.
Joining the Mint at the ceremony, set for 10:10 a.m. EST Nov. 15 at Refuge headquarters in Charlestown, will be representatives from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Other participants include the Chariho High School Student Choir, students from Chariho Middle School, and members of Boy Scout Troop #15.
Chris Costello, designer of the Block Island quarter’s reverse, will be in attendance.
Following the ceremony, $10 rolls of the quarters will be available to the public for exchange.
The event will be live-streamed online. The live-stream will also be available at the Block Island School so that all students can watch the ceremony in real-time.
The Block Island National Wildlife Refuge quarter is the 45th release in the Mint’s America the Beautiful Quarters Program, a 12-year initiative that honors 56 national parks and other national sites. Each year, the public sees five new national sites depicted on the reverses of the quarters. The Mint is issuing these quarters in the order in which the national sites were officially established.
Coin Forum
The Mint will also host a coin forum the evening before the launch ceremony –Wednesday, Nov. 14, 5:00–6:30 p.m. – at the Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters’ Kettle Pond Visitor Center. The forum is an opportunity for the public to learn about upcoming U.S. Mint coin programs and initiatives, and express their views about future coinage.
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